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Interning at TalentCMO

[4 min read]

It seems that the more we go into the fall, the more rain we get. But we have great news to bring some sunshine into your lives! TalentCMO has been hosting interns for the past couple of years and we’ve had such amazing students help us with our services and brand. We’re always looking for great interns, so if you’re interested in interning with us, make sure to reach out to us.

In the meantime, we are so excited to introduce you to our fall 2018 intern, Jeni Lacko, who joined us in September as Digital Marketing Intern. She is currently pursuing Bachelor's degree in Integrated Marketing & Communications at Hood College. We asked her a few questions to find out why she chose us as her internship site and what she looks forward to while interning at TalentCMO.

Jeni Lacko, Digital Marketing Intern at TalentCMO

Jeni Lacko, Digital Marketing Intern at TalentCMO

Q. Tell us about yourself in a sentence or two.

A. I’m currently wrapping up my senior year at Hood College as an Integrated Marketing & Communications major. I feel so fortunate to have lived, studied, and worked in Frederick my entire life. It has given me an appreciation for the ways that communities shape and support individuals, and vice versa.

Q. What is your role at TalentCMO? 

A. I am TalentCMO’s Digital Marketing Intern. I create social media posts for clients that utilize videos and graphics to tell employer brand stories, and help connect businesses and people whose values align. I’m also writing blog posts based on the research I conduct in employer branding.  

Q. How did you join TalentCMO and what attracted you to TalentCMO? 

A. I learned about TalentCMO through Hood College’s Career Center. TalentCMO’s close ties to my school, along with the emphasis that the team places on personal development, made it clear to me that this internship would be an awesome fit. I could tell that each member of the team genuinely enjoys the challenge of working in a startup, and that drive is contagious.

Q. What is your goal from working at TalentCMO? 

A. I plan to develop my graphic design and video production skills, as well as learn to communicate effectively through the use of multiple new media and marketing platforms. I want to learn to thrive in an fast-paced environment that is continually evolving, and to attend networking events and effectively use communication channels to establish meaningful connections with business leaders and community members.

Q. What are you most excited about? 

A. I’m most excited to have a jumping-off point from which I’ll begin to apply the practices and perspectives I’ve learned in the classroom to real-world scenarios--and to start seeing real results.

Q. Fun fact about you? 

A. Hula-hoop dancing is my current obsession. I have an LED hoop that is programmed to make all sorts of wild patterns when you spin it around. I’ve played a lot of different sports and I love to hike, but hooping is my absolute favorite way to be active!

Welcome, Jeni!

Connect with Jeni on LinkedIn.

Links and other interesting stuff:

Need help with sourcing and screening candidates? Then TalentCMO Hired! is for you! Contact us today.

Are you “marketing” your company and jobs to talent using social? If not, let us help you! We are an expert at helping companies to be more social in their recruiting efforts.

Check out this sweet Career Showcase (a standalone microsite built for candidates to show company's authenticity) that we built for one of our clients. 

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